Edge SDN, cyber security for Industrial IoT networks

STOORM5 – Pad: 13 – Stand: A11

The Edge SDN network is an OT data network protection system that makes the factory inherently safe, it has a measurable, unambiguous, and automatically verifiable security level in real time.
The advantage of this approach is the ability to prevent the spread of threats by making the network inherently secure. In fact, a compromised asset behaves in a malicious way by trying to spread and propagate the threat within the network. A behaviour different from the expected is immediately detected by the Edge SDN network nodes and reported to both CMC and operator’s tablet. The detected threat is however segregated and bounded by the security profile applied and therefore the attempt to propagate the threat is ineffective.

The system is based on standard switches, the network consists of:
• SDN Switch: You can use any switch on the market compliant with OpenFlow version 1.3. This allows partial or total reuse of the network infrastructure that is often already implemented in the OT network;
• Central Management Console (CMC): is the central management console, has the role of managing switches in the field. The CMC is the control center of the IT department that can create the security profiles of the factory network in different operating conditions.
• Tablet OT: Factory operators are equipped with a tablet connected to the CMC that they can use to independently modify the operating profiles of each machine, service or portion of the network.
The Edge SDN system realizes 3 fundamental security functions:
1) isolates all machines, PCs and services making them inaccessible from the outside;
2) micro-segmenting all communications between the different points of the network according to predefined traffic profiles;
3) monitors all communications to detect abnormal behaviour or hazards within the network.
Edge SDN is compliant the strict standards for Industrial OT security ISA/IEC 62443 and NIST 800.82

* The published news is edited by exhibiting companies. Exhibitor assumes responsibility for what is published in his own page.


Venue: Arena BI-MUpiù - fieramilano Rho
Hours: 10.30
By: UCIMU Academy, sponsored by Fondazione UCIMU, created by EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE with the contribution of Fondazione Fiera Milano
Venue: Arena BI-MUpiù - fieramilano Rho
Hours: 12.00
By: Fondazione UCIMU, promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE